We continually strengthen and build a relationship with our twin parish of St. Michael the Archangel in Coq Chante, Haiti. We work towards supporting health care, education, water, sanitation, farm animal and other projects at our twin parish.
Our goal is to involve the parishioners of St. George in the Haiti Mission as much as possible. Throughout the year, we sponsor fund raising activities, collect items to ship to Haiti, and support dental and medical missions. We also plan visits to the parish to offer our assistance with local projects.
If you are interested in the Haiti Mission, contact Frank Lewandowski at 716.652.3153 or email: [email protected].
HAITI GIFT CARDS are available on the Haiti table in the back of church. Please consider giving Haiti Gift Cards to family and friends, which will also provide families at our twin Haitian parish with gifts of goats, water purifiers, school tuition, medicines and sanitation facilities. The people of our twin parish will benefit greatly from these gifts. Thank you in advance for your kindhearted support! Below are listed the types of gifts available and their prices.
Water Purifier System for 1 Family
1 Goat
Medicines for 5 Families
Full year school tuition
1 Sanitation Facility for a Family
St. George's twinning with St. Michael the Archangel parish in Coq Chante, Haiti will continue into the future. When St. George does close in 2025, the Haiti Ministry will transfer over to Immaculate Conception Parish in East Aurora. The Haiti Committee looks forward to growing our Haiti Ministry with the parishioners of Immaculate Conception.
The medical clinic at Coq Chante continues to operate successfully providing critical healthcare to the people of the area. The medical clinic is staffed by one doctor, two nurses, one pharmacy worker and one healthcare aide.
A five-day dental clinic was recently completed at our twin Haitian parish during September 2025. We plan on doing another dental clinic during the first few months of 2025.
The Haiti Committee will try to do another Annual Cookie & Baked Good Sale during the Spring of 2025 prior to the closing of St. George.
The Haiti Committee is always looking for new members. All parishioners from St. George and any other parish are welcome to join the Haiti Committee. If you are interested in joining the Haiti Committee, please contact Frank Lewandowski at [email protected]