In 1993 with the help of Father Peter Drilling, a small committee initiated a parish twinning project with St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Jacmel Diocese, Haiti. Money, medical supplies, seeds for planting, etc. have been sent along with personal letters, pictures, cards and photo albums.
The Haiti Project has been accepted with the same enthusiasm as was seen when the parish reached out to share in the mission of spreading the Good News of Christ in Africa. With both sister parishes St. George parishioners reach out personally in order to create a 2-way relationship with the people, not just a monetary contribution. The people believe that this ministry is primarily one of relationship and sharing the gifts of faith and secondarily about giving funds. Visitors to St. George’s are delighted with the many African artifacts and pieces of art which grace the walls and shelves of the parish buildings. A real missionary spirit is a vital part of parish life.