Please contact the Parish office regarding all Sacramental needs.
Expectant parents should contact the parish office several months prior to the baby's due date to enroll in the Baptismal formation program. Our parish preparation program seeks to provide parents and sponsors with a deeper understanding and appreciation of this sacrament of initiation. The program explores the rich symbolism of the baptismal liturgy and the esssential parent-sponsor role in faith formation. First Reconciliation and First EucharistVolunteers are always needed and welcomed to assist in this process. To take part in this journey with the children is a rewarding experience. Come and share your faith with our children!* ConfirmationYouth who have been involved in the High School or Generations of Faith programs may apply for Confirmation anytime from their sophomore to senior year of high school. Readiness for the Sacrament is determined by the candidate, his or her parent(s), the Confirmation team and the pastor.
Youth explore how they are called to use the gifts that the Spirit has given them to build the Kingdom and discover their call to be the hands and feet of Christ as they enter full membership in the Church. If you hear the call to help our youth prepare for the sacrament, the Confirmation Team welcomes you!* MarriageAny couple planning to be married should contact the parish at least one year in advance, whenever possible.